4. un 5. septembrī Rīgā norisinājās ikgadējais festivāls Baltijas Saule. Tā ietvaros vēstures interesentu kopas no Latvijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas, Krievijas, Baltkrievijas un Ukrainas demonstrēja dažādus amatus, piedalījās Saules Kaujas inscenējumā, folkloras kopas muzicēja, bet vakarā norisinājās rokmūzikas koncerts. Kā jau parasti, svētki pulcēja ievērojamu apmeklētāju skaitu, lai gan lietainais laiks traucēja izbaudīt festivālu pilnībā.
At 4th and 5th of sepetember an annual festival took place in the heart of Riga – Baltijas Saule (Baltic Sun) Since the 1997, the festivities unite people from Baltic area, to commemorate very important event – on 22nd september of 1236, united forces of Semigallians and Lithuanians descimated forces of crusaders at Battle of Saule, practically destroying Order of Swordbrothers. This is widely considered to be the most significant victory of Balt people in 13th century over the invading crusaders. Nowedays it is also used as a symbol of unity of people of Baltic region. Participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belorussia and Ucraine performed handicraft demonstrations, played traditional music and a reenactment of Battle of Saule. Later in the evening rock concert took place. Despite the rainy weather, during both days of the festival there were plenty of visitors.