Jau trešo gadu norisinājās festivāls Grobiņa/Seeburg. Šogad piedalījāmies diezgan kuplā skaitā, sadaloties divās grupās – viena daļa demonstrēja jau ierastos vēlā dzelzs laikmeta tērpus, savukārt otra – Vendelas perioda tērpus un sadzīves inventāru, kas izraisīja ievērojamu publikas interesi. Sestdienas vakarā norisinājās arī roksāgas “Senā Kursa” pirmatskaņojums, kurā piedalījās arī daļa no “Senzemiešiem”. Visā visumā, jāatzīst ka pasākums ir kļuvis par labu tradīciju un patīkami redzēt, ka Grobiņā ir interese par sava novada vēsturi.
For the third time reenactors gathered in the Grobin for a festival called “Days of the Vikings in Grobin” or “Seeburg 2013”. This time we decided to divide our group into two parts – one, as usually, representing Eastern Baltic people of Late Iron Age and another – Scandinavian people of the Vendel period, since Seeburg was a Scandinavian colony at that time. Demonstration of Vendel period costumes and everyday items, including glassware, jewelry and weapons created a huge ammount of interest among audience. In the satturday evening a rocksaga called “Senā Kursa” (Ancient Curonia) so the light for the first time and also gathered a lot of people, several of “Senzeme” memebers took part in the show. All in all, that was a nice event that is becoming a tradition and it was good to see that Grobin is holding up interest in it’shistory .